
To better coordinate our response to climate change, reduce harmful emissions, and chart a more resilient future, the City of Des Moines is developing a community-wide climate action and adaptation plan.
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The City of Des Moines has a focus on sustainability. It is a part of many strategic efforts. You'll find examples of our efforts below.

Think Green This Spring

Des Moines is starting to bloom! When making plans or learning how to beautify your landscape and restore the ecosystem at your home or business this season, join us to “Think Green This Spring.”

The City recently kicked off this new sustainability initiative to help residents tap into our plentiful resources and programs available to nurture delicate pollinator habitats, expand the tree canopy, plant native grasses and flowers, build rain gardens, restore soil, grow urban food supplies and more.

To connect you to City programs, resources and events, download the City’s “Think Green This Spring” digital guide for strategies from Des Moines’ sustainability plan, ADAPT DSM, as well as the Parks and Recreation Department and the Public Works Department’s Forestry Division. There are also a number of late April and May events to learn more about Monarch butterflies, share perennials, pick up tree starters, visit with our ADAPT DSM staff and select native plants. Follow us on our social channels for more information.

Sustainability Efforts in GuideDSM

As part of the City’s Strategic PlanGuideDSM several goals were established:

Sustainability Efforts in PlanDSM

Included in the City’s Comprehensive Plan – PlanDSM are plans for additional goals: