2023 Personal Tax Planning Guide

The KPMG 2023 personal tax planning guide supports year-end tax planning and helps you plan for the year ahead.

Let’s talk Tax

Prepared by professionals from the Washington National Tax office, the KPMG 2023 Personal Tax Planning Guide provides information and planning tips to help you make sense of the complex and ever-evolving array of U.S. federal tax rules affecting individuals and their closely held businesses. Each chapter in this guide includes a brief overview of tax rules and planning tips that might be relevant to you.

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2023 KPMG Personal Tax Planning Guide

What's New

A new section in the investment-related tax issues chapter to simplify the tax treatment of cryptocurrency transactions

A new derivative transactions section to address monetizing gains, mitigating risk, generating yield, and gaining exposure

New content on the wash sale rules–disallowing stock or security sale losses if you buy substantially identical stock or securities within 30 days before or after sale date

An update on state legislation for bypassing the $10,000 limitation for the state and local tax deduction

Excess business loss limitation update New links for accessing relevant Family Office webcast replays and articles Contributors

Image of Brad Sprong

Partner, National Tax Leader, KPMG Private Enterprise

Image of Tracy Thomas Stone

Tracy Thomas Stone

Principal-in-Charge - Estates, Gifts, and Trusts

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The information contained herein is not intended to be “written advice concerning one or more Federal tax matters” subject to the requirements of section 10.37(a)(2) of Treasury Department Circular 230.

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